So yes, I have a fun blog
and I have a not-so-fun blog.
This silly little girl is one of my blessings.
She is my sister's child, the second born,
a hard head and hand and a gentle, precious heart.
She loves with all that is within her.
She comes bounding across the parking lot
and almost knocks me down with her hugs.
She is loud and likes to be the center of attention,
but is the first one to notice when someone is hurting.
She is one tough cookie,
but with children and the aged she is as gentle as a lamb.
She is sensitive and is hurt easily,
which makes her more sensitive of others.
When she smiles, she lights up my world.
She can make me smile when all else fails.
My sister, Sarah, and I |
Oh, she's growing up too fast.
Sam and His Dad |
This is my sister's first born.
He's a combination of goofy and serious.
He is smart and funny, but crazy and quiet.
He is a typical first-born,
analytical and a problem solver.
He pretends not to care, but really
doesn't mind a hug (when no one is watching.)
He is content to be alone but is not intimidated by a crowd.
He doesn't want attention drawn to himself
but never turns away from a challenge.
He is competitive but not a show off.
He is probably more of a perfectionist than we
know because he wants to know that he's
mastered something before he shows it to others.
These are my growing-up babies.
It makes me sad to think that in only a few years
they will be gone.
Which makes me even sadder is to think that
my precious GRAND babies are growing up
so fast, me here and they there.
This little monkey poo-pooed and pee-peed in his potty today.
Our little angel is growing like a weed
and cooing up a storm.
It's their mommy's birthday and I'm about to get the present,
Facetime with the babies.
I can hardly stand that I am not there
to see each new moment.
This makes me sad.
I continue to go boldly to the throne and ask the Lord
to let me move there. I know that this may
not be in His will for now, but I'm not afraid to ask.
Trying to learn how to be content in all circumstances.