
Sunday, June 29, 2014

When She Was Bad, She was Horrid

The Mother Goose nursery rhyme says it like this...

There was a little girl
Who had a little curl
Right in the middle of her forehead. 
And when she was good,
She was very, very good,
And when she was bad
She was horrid.

I was that little girl. 

Mama had this horrific movie camera 
with an incredibly big spotlight.
Remember the home movies
of the 50's, 60's and 70's?

A few years ago, 
mama sent all the reels off 
and had them made into VHS videos.

It was like seeing my life in film,
the ups and the downs. 

Each role was the role of a lifetime. 
I was a twirling ballerina on stage in one scene-
literally acting it out.

An acrobat on swings in the next, 
swinging high and then low and finally dropping
with tears and tantrums.

Anytime the grandchildren had a tantrum, 
mama and daddy said they 
were having a "Bonnie-fit."

My sister is a licensed therapist.
She says that reeled films are
now being used to study the behaviors of adults today.

Some may say,
"Well, that's just normal child behavior."

You would have to see on film the continuity of 
 my behavior year after year. 

I literally heard it said, 
"She just needs a board on her butt."

Believe me, they tried that too...
and a switch, and a belt, and a limb, and a broom
or anything else that would draw blood or make whelps.

It didn't work.

You would not believe how relieved I was 10 years ago
to learn there was a cause and treatment for 
what plagued me. 

Since the last medication change, 
I am able to get out of bed in the morning.
I have actually been motivated to 
do a little work.
The horrid little girl in me is being very, very good:)

Subject to change without further notice,



  1. Fun to see your little girl photos - you still have that beautiful smile.
    So thankful for medication that helps. God bless your Sunday!

  2. Love the pictures! I'm so glad the latest medication is helpful.

  3. I love seeing throwback pictures, Bonnie..glad to hear the latest medication change is working..Blessings
