
Thursday, June 19, 2014

Emotions are REAL

Emotions are real. 
They are neither good nor bad, 
Christian nor evil.

There are faces to these emotions.
We all respond in different ways. 

Sometimes we cry.

Sometimes we hide.

Sometimes we carry the burden of worry.
We wear it on our faces and carry it on our shoulders. 

Sometimes we feel alone.

Sometimes we feel desperate.

Sometimes we feel hopeless and wonder, "Does anyone care?

Sometimes we feel angry.

Sometimes even the strong feel weak.

Sometimes we feel happy and sad at the same time.

Sometimes we just want to SCREAM!

Sometimes we want to cry out, 
"My God, My God why have you forsaken me."

Sometimes life just ain't fair!

Jesus invites the weary and broken to come.
He promises rest.  He promises beauty for ashes. 

Jesus wants to turn our tears 

into laughter,

and our pain

into joy.

He wants to give us strength

in our weakness.
And turn our mourning 


So give it to HIM and be crazy.

Make a funny face,

have a good belly laugh,

act like a child,

and laugh,

until the tears run down your face, 
or legs (hee! hee!).

Someone told me recently, 
"You are where you are, when you are where you are."
So feel it, don't deny it, cry out in your anger, in your pain, in your hurt
and let God heal you."

NOTHING is impossible
with HIM.
With HIM, anything is...

May God fill you with joy as you trust in HIM, 


Pinterest photos


  1. I really enjoyed this one Bonnie. Those pictures showed the emotion so well!

  2. AWESOME! I am truly speechless..(my mouth is hanging open) Blessings

  3. What a blessing you are. He leads you to the pictures to put with the words...totally awesome! xo
