
Sunday, June 15, 2014

Try a Little Kindess

It's early Monday morning now, 1:37 am

So, I write and ramble and read.

I love reading Leo Buscaglia.
He was Italian.
He lavished on LOVE
with a bear hug or a gentle embrace.
He was led by LOVE 
and was sensitive to the expressions of those around him-
sensitive enough to read their body language.

We need to look beyond the smile, 
the "I'm fine."
It's all in the eyes. 
A smile without the twinkle in the eye 
is not a smile.

It's a cry for help, 
"Please see beyond my smile,
please notice that I'm not okay."

Shoulders slumped and eyes cast downward, 
indicates a heavy load. 
Listen carefully to the cry, 
"Ask me, Ask me!  I really need to share."

We find a lost soul 
on a church pew, a park bench, 
sitting alone in a restaurant, 
in a doctor's office waiting room, 
on a hospital elevator, 
begging for someone to say, 
"Are you okay?  I mean, Are you REALLY okay?"

Maybe we need to 

Try A Little Kindess

If you see your brother standing by the road 
With a heavy load, from the seeds he's sown.
And if you see your sister falling by the way, 
Just stop and say, 
"Girl, you're going the wrong way."

You've got to try a little kindness,
Just show a little kindness, 
Just shine your light for everyone to see
For if you show a little kindness
You will overlook the blindness 
Of the narrow-minded people on the narrow-minded streets.

Don't walk around the down and out
Lend a helping hand instead of doubt
For the kindness that you show every day
Will help someone along life's way.

Just Try a Little Kindness 



  1. Kindness...a much needed commodity in this economy! I completely "get it" about a smile on the face, but not in the eyes. We do smile with our eyes just as much as with our facial expression, whether we know it or not. I always look at someone's eyes when they are smiling. Thank you, Bonnie, for the reminder to look for those who are not smiling with their eyes and take time to listen! xo

  2. Thank you for being real and sharing your heart, my friend :)

  3. I am firm believer that what the world needs, KINDNESS. There just is not enough of that..thank you for keeping it real. Hugs and much kindess to you dear friend. Blessings

  4. A little kindness and a gentle touch, or a hug can go a long way!
